07127-349 79 88 info@enisyst.de

Smart Energy Cloud

Smart energy supply and demand systems for an efficient and CO2 neutral

With our control tools, you can make your buildings and properties fit for the future.


Modern & modular software

Hardware & operating system can be used independently

Interoperable system for reliable communication

Web-based Building Energy Management System


Energy sytems – intelligently linked

With our current control system, we can control any energy system like chillers, heat pumps, boilers, fuel cells, electrolysers and CHP units in combination with thermal and electrical storages, PV systems and e-car chargers as well as thermal and electrical networks. It is extendible to a full building, property and city quarter management system.

Preventing climate change is one of the greatest challenges of this century. To achieve this goal, major efforts are required in efficiency measures and in the introduction of decentralized renewable energy technologies at the building, property and neighborhood level. The related challenge is to optimally orchestrate the operation of such distributed and decentralized volatile systems. This involves using the flexibility of thermal and electrical storage to increase self-sufficiency and prevent blackouts. The current incipient increase in electric cars is rapidly driving the need for intelligence in the building and energy sectors. Therefore, we have developed the Smart Energy Cloud as an extension of our innovative local control system.


Smart. Energy. Cloud.

Bring your facilities and systems up to date.
We will be happy to advise you on how to prepare your buildings and properties for a climate-neutral future.

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